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date: 06/27/24

Myth of Empires Hellenic Civilization DLC is Now Live! New All-time Low Discount for Steam Summer Sale!

The moment Myth of Empires fans have long been waiting for has finally arrived - the Hellenic Civilization Pack is here! This pack brings Hellas, a civilization with an ancient Greek theme, to the world of Myth of Empires, and represents the first in a series of DLCs that will introduce new civilizations to the game. This pack includes 12 armor sets, 15 special weapons, a full set of new building recipes, 1 warship, 6 musical instruments, and 5 new building platforms/objects. At the same time, we’ve also added Civilization Traits to the game. Players will be able to activate the trait trees of civilizations they unlock to obtain bonuses unique to those civilizations.


Myth of Empires - Hellenic Civilization Pack:


Watch the DLC introduction video:


To coincide with the DLC’s release, Myth of Empires will also be participating in the Steam Summer Sale at an all-time low discount! From June 27 at 5:00PM until July 11 at 5:00PM (all times UTC), the Myth of Empires base game and Dongzhou Map DLC will be available for 60% off, while the Royal Carriages Pack and Musical Instruments Pack DLCs will be available for 30% off. At the same time, the new Hellenic Civilization Pack will be available at a 10%-off discounted price of $11.69! In addition, you can purchase the Imperial Expansion Bundle, which includes the main game and all DLCs, for an additional 5% discount!


In addition, for the duration of the Summer Sale, Myth of Empires will also be holding Server Multiplier Events, and Login Level Reward Events. During the latter event, you will be able to claim different levels of rewards by logging in to the game. Stay tuned to official event announcements for news on additional events!


The Hellenic Civilization Pack includes the following content:

12 New Sets of Armor

These new sets of armor are made using the game’s six main armor materials: wood, bronze, iron, steel, black iron, and meteoric iron; each material has a light armor set and a heavy armor set, making 12 Hellenic sets of armor altogether.


15 Special Weapons

These weapons include the Xiphos (a bronze one-handed sword), the Spartan Dory (a bronze poleaxe blade), the Spear of Promachos (an iron poleaxe blade), the Isle of Ash Bow, the Epsilon Axe (an iron one-handed axe), the Mycenaean Rapier (a steel two-handed sword), the Labrys of Hades (a black iron poleaxe), the Decapitator (a black iron two-handed axe), the Tauros (a meteoric iron one-handed blunt weapon), the Lycean Mallet (a meteoric iron long-handled blunt weapon), the Figure-of-Eight Shield (a tower shield), and the Aspis Shield.


Full Set of Building Recipes

The Sacred Palm building components include fort walls, gates, foundations, ceilings, roofs, stairs, windows, and more.


5 Types of Building Platforms/Objects

These include Hephaestus's Forge, Hephaestus's Armor Bench, the Sacred Furnace, the Brazen Bull, and Pandora’s Box, totaling 5 buildings comprised of workbenches, a torture rack, and a storage chest. The new forge, armor bench, and furnace all have two crafting queues each, increasing their crafting efficiency. For its part, the Brazen Bull increases a warrior’s Obedience more quickly. Finally, Pandora’s Box not only has a large storage space, it is also a trap that can unleash various effects on whomever breaks it or tries to open it without permission.


6 Types of Hellenic Musical Instruments

New instruments include Athena’s Auros (a double reed auros), the Tympanon (a type of tambourine), Hermes’s Lyre, the Heart of Anacreon (a kind of barbitus), the Pandean Pipes (a type of pan flute), and the Salpinx, totaling 6 unique musical instruments.


1 Warship

The pack also includes the Bireme warship.

In addition to the content exclusive to the DLC pack, civilization trait trees have also been added to the game. Players can activate different civilization trait trees to deepen their own areas of expertise. For instance, the Jiuzhou civilization (the new name given to the civilization already in the game) is good at making crossbows, planting, and building fortresses, while Hellas is more proficient in sailing and the use of spears and shields. Based on your progress with a given civilization, you can increase your civilization’s Integration, which provides additional attribute bonuses, including bonuses to melee, ranged, and siege damage; character damage reduction; max HP; related bonuses for the warriors under your command; and more.


Of course, plenty of more exciting things are waiting to be discovered in-game. The next civilization, which will be based on Persia, is undergoing development and is expected to be released later this year. Stay tuned!