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date: 06/14/24

Myth of Empires - Greece DLC Special Weapons Sneak Peek Part II

Dear players,


In our previous Greece DLC sneak peek, we gave you a look at some of the special weapons that will be making their debut when the DLC launches. This time, we’re going to take a look at some of the other special weapons that will be available in the late-game.



The Labrys of Hades prominently features the likeness of the Ceberus upon its head. As a black iron poleaxe, it is extremely destructive on the battlefield and suitable for use while mounted.



Compared to the Labrys of Hades, the Lycian Mallet’s appearance is more restrained. Its thick and powerful handle gives its swings real impact, and the meteoric iron from which it’s made allows it to inflict severe damage against enemy armor.



Finally, we have the Hammer of Titans. Symbolizing the divine punishment of the gods, this two-handed hammer made of meteoric iron is chock-full of explosive power. Although it cannot inflict slashing wounds characteristic of sharp weapons, it is still formidable against heavy armor and large shields.



The Myth of Empires Greece DLC is expected to be released around July of this year. Players are welcome to share their ideas and feedback regarding future development content in our official communities and forums.